In the event of class cancellations that are not SPS snow days, due to inclement weather, or other circumstances out of PDPA's control, you will be informed via text or phone if the class schedule is impacted or the studio is to be closed.
PDPA Follows the Seattle Public School District for snow day/inclement weather cancellations, but may also cancel classes if they feel it's unsafe to drive home.
Dancers are expected to arrive at class in appropriate clothing, with hair pulled up and away from their face. For more information please see our full dress code.
Studio generally follows the Seattle Public School schedule for all public holidays. For an up to date list of all studio holidays and closures please visit the studio calendar.
Missed classes can be made up during the current season in a class at or below your current level. Please inquire which classes may be a good option by emailing us at
Please visit our Terms & Conditions for information regarding payments.